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Error: Activity Monitoring Engine Offline

For an overview of the Activity Monitoring module, see Protect against malware.

To troubleshoot this error:

  1. In the Workload Security console, look for other errors on the same machine. If errors exist, other issues could cause your Activity Monitoring engine to be offline, such as communications or agent installation failure.
  2. Check communications from the agent to the Workload Security Relay and Workload Security.
  3. In the Workload Security console, view the details for the agent with the issue.
    • Verify that the policy or setting for Activity Monitoring is enabled.
  4. Deactivate and uninstall the agent before reinstalling and reactivating it. See Uninstall the Workload Security Agent and Activate the agent for more information.
  5. In the Workload Security console, go to Updates for that computer.
    1. Verify that the Security Updates are present and current.
    2. If not, click Download Security Updates.

Agent on Windows

To troubleshoot the Workload Security Agent on Windows:

  1. Make sure the following services are running:
    • Trend Micro Workload Security Agent
    • Trend Micro Solution Platform
  2. Check that all the Anti-Malware related drivers are running properly by executing the following command: # sc query AMSP

Agent on Linux

To troubleshoot the Workload Security Agent on Linux:

  1. Verify that the agent is running using the following command in the command line: service ds_agent status
  2. If you are using a Linux server, your kernel might not be supported. For more information, see Error: Module installation failed (Linux).