Table of contents

Evaluate Trend Vision One

You can try out Trend Vision One Server & Workload Protection before updating from Trend Cloud One - Endpoint & Workload Security. For the simplest way to move agents, see Evaluate Trend Vision One Server & Workload Protection - simple. For a more comprehensive process, follow these steps to move your agents:

  1. Prerequisite: Foundation Services & Endpoint Protection
  2. Export policies & configurations
  3. Import policies & configurations
  4. Configure proxy settings
  5. Deactivate the agent in Endpoint & Workload Security
  6. Reactivate the agent in Trend Vision One
  7. Revert agents to Endpoint & Workload Security

For more details about updating Trend Cloud One - Endpoint & Workload Security to Trend Vision One, see Existing Trend Vision One Customers Updating Trend Cloud One - Endpoint & Workload Security from the Trend Vision One Console.

Prerequisite: Foundation Services and Endpoint Protection

Before you can move agents, you must complete these prerequisites:

  1. Update Trend Vision One to the Foundation Services Release.
  2. Provision a Server & Workload Protection or Standard End point Protection instance.

Export policies and configurations

You need to export any custom configurations (lists, rules, or policies) from Trend Cloud One and then import them to Trend Vision One.

You do not need to export and import default settings.

  1. Log in to Trend Cloud One - Endpoint & Workload Security.
  2. Go to Policies > Common Objects.
  3. Select a type of configuration:
    • Lists
    • Rules
    • Export (for policies)
  4. Select the configuration files.
  5. Click Export Selected to XML (For Import).

Import policies and configurations

  1. Log in to Trend Vision One.
  2. In Endpoint Security Operations, access Server & Workload Protection.
  3. For policies:
    1. Go to Policies > Import > Import File From File.
    2. Select the policies.
    3. Select whether to use an existing policy.
    4. Complete the import wizard.
    5. Review the policies.
  4. For rules, lists, and other configurations:
    1. Select the type of configuration:
      • Lists
      • Rules
      • Configurations
    2. Go to New > Import From File.
    3. Select the file.
    4. Review the imported configurations.

Configure proxy settings

You only need to configure proxy settings when endpoints use a proxy to connect externally.

  1. Log in to Trend Vision One.
  2. In Endpoint Security Operations, access Server & Workload Protection.
  3. Go to System Settings > Proxies.
  4. Select Add New Proxy Server.
  5. Select Save.
  6. From Proxy Server Use, select the proxy for the Primary security update proxy used by agents, appliances, and relays.

Deactivate the agent in Trend Cloud One - Endpoint & Workload Security

  1. Optionally, disable self-protection for the agent.
  2. Deactivate the agent from the Workload Security console or a command line.

Reactivate the agent in Trend Vision One

  1. Ensure you have configured the firewall or proxy settings in your network to allow Trend Micro web pages for your region. See Firewall permissions.
  2. Log in to Trend Vision One.
  3. In Endpoint Security Operations, access Server & Workload Protection.
  4. Go to Administration > Updates > Software > Local > Generate Deployment Scripts...
  5. Generate the deployment script:
    • For Windows: & $Env:ProgramFiles"\Trend Micro\Deep Security Agent\dsa_control -a dsm://<manager url>:<manager port>/ "tenantID:<ID>" "token:<token>"
    • For Linux: /opt/ds_agent/dsa_control -a dsm://<manager url>:<manager port>/ "tenantID:<ID>" "token:<token>"
  6. Wait for the activation command.
  7. Run the command to Activate the agent.
  8. Assign the imported policies for the reactivated agents.

Revert agents to Trend Cloud One - Endpoint & Workload Security

To revert agents to Trend Cloud One - Endpoint & Workload Security, see Revert to Cloud One - Endpoint & Workload Security.