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Two Factor Authentication

Please see Cloud One User Management if you’re accessing Conformity through the Cloud One console. This documentation is relevant only to Conformity standalone customers.


Top navigation bar > User dropdown > User settings > Two-Factor Authentication

Two-Factor Authentication provides an additional step of user authentication which improves security for your Trend Micro Cloud One™ – Conformity account against unauthorised access attacks such as:

  1. Brute-force attacks
  2. Credential stuffing

Two-Factor Authentication is highly recommended for all users of Conformity given the sensitivity of data Conformity users have access to.

Two-Factor Authentication options

Currently, Two-Factor Authentication can only be setup at a user level, but Conformity is working on making this option available to be set at the Organisation level.

Set up Two-Factor Authentication

  1. Click on Setup Two Factor Authentication now
  2. Use any Time-based One-time Password Algorithm (TOTP) authenticator such as the Google Authenticator to scan the QR code, and then input the Authentication code and Verify
  3. On successful verification, a message informing that you will be signed out of the Conformity will be displayed. Click OK to log in again using the Two-Factor Authentication process

Disable Two-Factor Authentication

  1. Click on Disable Two-Factor Authentication
  2. Confirm by clicking on Yes, disable Two-Factor Authentication
    _Note: You will not be signed out of the Conformity platform once you disable Two-Factor Authentication