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Amazon SNS Communication


Main Dashboard > Select {Account} > Settings > Communication settings > Update communication settings > Configure 'Amazon SNS'

Set up an Amazon SNS channel

  1. Click on Create an Amazon SNS channel
  2. Set automatic notifications
  3. Set manual notifications
  4. Enter the Channel Name

    The field is limited to 20 characters

  5. Configure Triggers

  6. Click Configure now requires a two-step process

    1. Setup access

      1. Setup KMS Key (Recommended)

        1. Go to Key Management Service (KMS) in your AWS Console.

          Note: If you already have a key, update your policy to allow key usage permission for AWS account: 717210094962, then proceed to Setup SNS Topic.

        2. Click Customer managed keys and then Create key

        3. Enter the following details for Add alias and description step >> click Next
          Alias: CloudConformitySNSEncryptionKey
          Description: CloudConformitySNSEncryptionKey
        4. On Add tags. step >> Add the tags >> click Next
        5. On Define key administrative permissions step >> Select a Key administrator >> click Next
        6. On Define key usage permissions step
          Click Add another AWS account >> enter the AWS account id: 717210094962 >> Click Next
        7. On Review and edit key policy step. Review the policy >> click Finish
      2. Setup SNS Topic (Required)

        1. Create an SNS Topic (under the Simple Notification Service section in the AWS Console)
          Topic Name: CloudConformity
        2. Select your SNS topic >> click Edit
        3. Expand Encryption section >> select Enable encryption
          Under Customer master key (CMK), clear the default aws key and select CloudConformitySNSEncryptionKey
        4. Expand Access policy >> update the following code >> add it as a new statement >> click Save changes

                  "Sid": "a unique statement ID",
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Principal": {
                      "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::717210094962:root"
                  "Action": "SNS:Publish",
                  "Resource": "Your SNS Topic ARN"
    2. Input SNS Topic ARN

  7. Copy communication settings

SNS Notification Attributes

  • failureDiscoveryDate : the date of failure discovery. A failure can be discovered either when the check was originally created or when a check status was updated from SUCCESS to FAILURE. Example: if a check is created today, "Failure discovery date" is set to today. If a check exists and was successful, but changed to a failure today, "Failure discovery date" is set to today.
  • lastUpdatedDate : the timestamp of the last time Conformity Bot or RTM updated any attribute of the check.
  • lastStatusUpdateDate : the timestamp of the last time Conformity Bot or RTM updated status attribute of the check. For new checks, this field is set to the creation date.
  • lastModifiedBy : AWS Identity of the user that caused an event that RTM picked up and either created a new check in FAILURE status or updated an existing check with SUCCESS to FAILURE.
  • lastModifiedDate: the timestamp of when lastModifiedBy is set.


We currently have a python Slackbot that can alert each user directly. Does Cloud Conformity have a way to send alerts as SQS message so that it can be picked up by our Slackbot?

Yes, follow the steps below:

  1. Set up an Amazon SNS channel
  2. Subscribe to SNS and add SQS endpoint

Can integration be built into Atlassian OpsGenie?

OpsGenie has a native SNS integration. Therefore, notifications created in SNS will automatically be created in OpsGenie through the integration.