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Unregister Trend Cloud One - Endpoint & Workload Security from Trend Vision One

You can unregister Trend Cloud One - Endpoint & Workload Security either from the Trend Vision One Product Connectors or by API. If you use the former, the enrollment status in the Cloud One - Endpoint & Workload Security console does not immediately change from Registered to Not registered. It takes approximately 6 hours, which is the current status synchronization period. If you use the latter, the change can be seen immediately.

Use the Trend Vision One product connectors

  1. Log in to Trend Vision One and click Administration > Product Connector.

  2. Find the product called Trend Cloud One - Endpoint & Workload Security, and then click Disconnect.

To ensure that you are no longer registered, go to Trend Cloud One > Endpoint & Workload Security > Administration > Trend Vision One (XDR). The Enrollment status should read Not registered.

The change in status is only seen after the synchronization period.

Use Postman and an HTTP API

To unregister using Postman and HTTP API:

  1. Generate an API key on the Trend Cloud One - Endpoint & Workload Security account. For more information, see Create an API key.

  2. Download and install Postman.

  3. Go to File > Settings and disable Postman SSL certificate verification.

  4. In the Postman application, click New.

  5. Click HTTP Request.

  6. Set the HTTP method to DELETE, then add the extended detection and response (XDR) registration ID on the request URL:

    DELETE https://workload.{cloudoneregion}{xdrRegistrationID}?force=true

  7. Select Headers and add the following keys and their corresponding values:

    • Authorization: Apikey (key generated from Step 1)
    • Api-version: v1
    • Content-Type: application/json
  8. Click Send, and then check Body to see the status of the request.

To ensure that you are no longer registered, go to Trend Cloud One > Endpoint & Workload Security > Administration > Trend Vision One (XDR). The Enrollment status should read "Not registered".