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Generate your first detection on Azure

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To test your deployment, you'll need to generate a malware detection using the eicar file.

Follow the instructions below.

  1. Obtain the eicar file:

    • Temporarily disable your virus scanner, otherwise it will catch the eicar file and delete it.
    • Go to the eicar file page.
    • Download or any of the other versions of this file.
    • Check the ZIP file to make sure it includes a file.
  2. Add the eicar file to your storage account:

    • In Azure portal, go to Storage accounts service and find your protecting storage account.
    • Go to Containers. Go to any existing container or create a container.
    • Select Upload and upload File Storage Security scans the file and detects malware.
  3. Examine the metadata and Blob index tags from the scan result:

    • Still in your container, select, then scroll to the Metadata section.

      screen shot

    • Look for the following tags:

      • fssScanDate date_and_time
      • fssScanResult malicious
      • fssScanned true

      Or the following Blob index tags:

      • fss-scan-date date_and_time
      • fss-scan-result malicious
      • fss-scanned true

      The metadata/tags indicate that File Storage Security scanned the file and tagged it correctly as malware.

  4. Remember to re-enable your virus scanner after testing is complete.

You have now tested your File Storage Security deployment. Continue to the next section for information on your next steps.