Table of contents

Finding the UUID

UUIDs are 128 bit long numbers represented by 32 hexadecimal digits. They are used to uniquely identify information across a computer system.

Finding the UUID in Windows

  1. Log into the device.
  2. Open an administrator CLI.
  3. Enter the following:
wmic path win32_computersystemproduct get UUID

Finding the UUID in Linux

Using the blkld command

You can find the UUID of all the disk partitions on your Linux system using the blkld command:

sudo blkld

However this also returns loop devices. To return only partitions with UUID, run:

sudo blkld | grep UUID=

Using the lsblk command

You can also use the lsblk command to list your UUID partitions:

To list the UUID of your partitions, you can run:

sudo lsblk -f

However this also returns loop devices. To return only partitions with UUID, run:

sudo lsblk -f | grep -v loop