Table of contents

Track usage

The Usage view reports on the Application Security service usage, for example the number of invocations or instances protected. The usage is reported for the entire account, that is across all groups.

The usage is reported for the three following dimensions:

1.Usage by Instance: Usage in the context of protection of applications running on containers or VMs/EC2s, where the licensing is based on number of instances of Application Security running on containers or VMs/EC2s.

2.Usage by Invocation: Usage in the context of protection for serverless functions, where the licensing is based on invocation

3.Usage by License: Usage in the context of the application licenses, where an application license allows a number of containers, VMs/EC2s and functions.

When you visit this page, initially it shows Usage by Licence. The other two sections are collapsed.

Usage by instance

This section tells you at a glance the number of protected application instances running on containers or VMs/EC2s.

The number of containers or VMs/EC2s instances is computed as an average on a hourly basis.

The instance usage includes the following sections:

  • Account wide details: Provides the average number of server or container instances for the month, across all cloud service providers
  • Provider details: Provides the average number of server or container instances for the month, broken down by cloud service provider
  • Average usage per resource: Provides a chart of daily average number of server or container instances across all cloud service providers
  • Average usage by resource per account: Provides a chart of daily average number of server or container instances broken down by service provider accounts.

Usage by invocation

This section tells you at a glance the number of invocations related to the protected serverless functions.

The invocations are reported as invocation units. An invocation unit is a group of 1000 serverless function invocations. The invocation units are reported on an hourly basis. Only complete invocation units are reported in a given hour. A complete invocation unit is a unit that has 1000 invocations. If a unit is not complete in a given hour, the invocations keep being counted until 1000 invocations were counted and then the invocation unit is completed, and reported in that hour.


The invocation usage includes these fields:

  • Provider details: Provides the number of invocation units in the month, broken down by cloud service provider
  • Total invocation units: Provides a chart of the total number of invocation units reported daily
  • Invocation units per account: Provides a chart of the total number of invocation units reported daily and broken down by service provider account.

Usage by license

This section reports the usage of application licenses by the account. Each application license allows for the following quantity of resources, for up to one region:

  • 5 servers
  • 30 containers
  • 300 functions

The license usage includes these fields:

  • Current subscribed licenses: Reports the number of application licenses provisioned for the account
  • Last recorded usage: Reports the number of application licenses used
  • Provider details: Reports the usage of application licenses for the month broken down by cloud service providers
  • Total license usage by region over last 30 days: Reports the application license usage per day, broken down by cloud service provider region
  • License usage by resource per region over last 30 days: Reports the application license usage per day, broken down by region and reporting the resource type counts (that is, number of servers, containers and functions).